The stakes get higher and higher. Our values and ethics get reinforced and become more of our core. The more we define ourselves now, the less we will tolerate them.

One day, they will want to cut our heads off for denying the anti-Christ.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

You know, doc, I’ll never understand anybody’s tolerance for satanic philosophies. Flash a satanic hand sign in public or on a college campus and nobody flinches or even laughs as if it’s cool. Hold a sign condemning Israel’s occupation and slaughter of Palestinians and cops show up in riot gear to silence you. I’ve often said I have no firm opinion about God and love Mother Nature, but I’ve never known even diehard atheists who support Satanic Zionists.

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(** sigh***) I think there are more Satanic influences that are now mainstream. And there are probably more college students who join secret (Satanic) societies than we know, especially on Ivy League campuses.

On one of Naomi Wolf's recent vidy, she admits to still being a member of a sectet society at Yale or Harvard... and still keeps their oath. She said it brought her lifelong connections.

How many others do we know who are in the same secret societies?

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At least once a week I read or hear someone commenting on Naomi Wolf, mostly shallow-positive, just like Robert Malone. They both eventually convinced me something wasn’t right about their take on world problems as it’s been unfolding—what they leave out—and without any real solutions for what they do mention. Not even useful ideas. Kind of like cold (reptilian) tabloid news personalities (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC). It was right after her “accident” slipping on ice, I believe last year, when she set off questionable signals. It was very disappointing, because I’m always trying to have hope in some of these brilliant people. But a slight of selfishness and greed I can’t connect with makes me unusually skeptical and cautious.

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Now we know why, at least in part... Dr Maomi Wolf is in a secret society. I will dig up the video, as incredulously, she admits to it herself. In this day and age, why would anyone do that (unless they made her do it)?

Your instincts are correct. She keeps company with a secret society that may have much more to do with greed or selfishness, as in dark, secret influencers who may still tell her what to do.

I find that utterly and thoroughly disgusting. I will never watch anything she does again... so another one bites the dust!

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What’s apparent since WWI & WWII…9/11…all the Fraudemics…10/7…is that the more “they” get away with mass murder & theft of the world over time, the more brazen and outspoken they’ve become.

Perhaps it’s the “gene targeting” nanotechnology; total mind control, which predates COVID. It must be considered, considering “they” themselves have admitted these technologies evolving for decades, as well as their agenda to end the human soul. But of course, some are still “pretending they care,” but then admit they are part of the cult of End Times. They are insane, no doubt.

In any case, see little evidence the majority of humanity is still clinging onto reality or even gives a damn. It can’t just be that they’re distracted or in self-preservation mode to a selfish extreme; lost the ability to understand that all life needs all life. This level of greed and selflessness is suicide, and most seem to have lost all critical thinking skills and the ability to understand what’s really important.

I believe an actual “left & right” brain hemisphere manipulation is in fact happening; a distortion between “whats tangible real” and “what’s emotionally or artificially” driving people’s perceptions of reality.

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I think you have hit on something insightful and significant. It reminds me that McCulllough recently complained that he finds his conversations with people are more basic and less cognitive. Not that I care what he says, but this observation is quite unique.

My first thought was that all of us on Substack have no cognitive deficits ~ perhaps most of us are unvaxxed. And I am not around so many of the general public to be able to even appreciate that kind of finding.

As time progresses, we should note not only the sudden deaths and blood clots, but also the engagement, personal interactions, and overall cognition for changes in complex thinking, empathy, and spirituality ~ the things that make us human and members of a family.

Perhaps the jab accelerates pineal gland calcification? Separates the soul from the body? Suppresses our senses as well as our souls?

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