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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Author

FYI: I’ve edited this post about eight times for simple corrections over the past two days, but it’s not so simple for me. One of my most difficult incapabilities (the monsters will call it “disabilities”to put me in my place—think “break room” like the Apple series Severance) is a complicated variation of dyslexia. It was worse as a child, but still I cannot not see correctly b’s and d’s, and that’s just the short explanation of a very long list of difficulties. I can often see it in my head, but not see it or allow for translation as I write, like I’m always way ahead of what I’m writing and cannot catch up, and I cannot explain it so it makes sense to nOrMaL people. I took typing in high school, which makes it easier, but still it’s an ongoing issue. Also, I can see in my head words, like the spelling of the country Puerto Rico(edited 3/13), but just as I type it I’m still not sure I can really see it or know for sure it’s correct. Why don’t all spell-check e-dictionaries allow for phonetic-written spell check with several given choices and their definitions? It may be available, but I’m not aware. Anyway, jsut to let you knwo, I’m still working on the problem still in my old-bastard days, and it has never held me back, just the bloody system.

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