May 29Liked by jeffrey p lubina

We need to stop calling them Jews. Jewish people are good. It’s the Satanists infiltrators that are culpable. They have high jacked every religion o earth.

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Thanks, elvia. I totally respect your views and hope you always speak out on my Substack. I’ll NEVER hold it against you or shut you out, but…

Name another racist race group with the privilege of calling others an anti-(fill in the blank) with the right to punish you if you don’t respect their racist values like Jews do? Not Arabs after 9/11. Not Africans after centuries of brutality. Not even racist white people go around calling people anti-white with legal rights to punish you if you don’t like their twisted racist pride values. There are NONE.

Not One Other Racist Group On Earth Spends ALL DAY like Jews do searching feverishly for an opportunity to call someone anti-%*&@ with punishing rights attached like the term “antisemite.” And what makes that term, antisemite, even worse—they are NOT even Semites. Not one Jew one earth is a Semite. ALL Semites are Arabs or Arab-Africans.

Define what a Jew is? Are Jews moreso a religion or a race of racists? Who doesn’t respect another persons right to practice religion? Nobody, except Jews, who HATE ALL other religions, particularly Christians and Muslims. And you can’t even have the discussion without a racist Jew getting bent out of shape.

I’m multi-cultured and multi-ethnic European, just like many Jews are. I grew up around a multi-cultured family and friends, some of whom with Jewish histories, but it had to do with their history of religion or nationality/geography, NOT racisms, and it was never an issue. We were all just people—first and foremost JUST individual persons—not bloody racists caught up in racist pride.

When a Jew must first be a Jew BEFORE just being an individual person with the right to practice religion, it’s a problem for everyone, and most of the world is sick and tired of it.

90% of all Jews in Israel support the Palestinian genocide, but the majority 8 billion non-Jews on earth cannot condemn Jews without catching shit for it, and that’s bullshit.

If someone wishes to practice a religion, even a satanic version without slaves or blood sacrifices, and just on themselves, I’m all for it—so long as it don’t intrude on other people’s freedoms. But I will NEVER yield to anyone’s racist pride within my own business, or home, or public where all should be welcome. NEVER.

Hope you can understand the importance of “respecting HUMANITY and individual rights,” including the rights of individuals to discriminate for oneself and NOT legally against others. As soon as someone or group starts manipulating laws in favor of one racist’s emotional values and sensitivities over another, which is more about a brain disorder, the entire world ends up at war. This must end, not personal rights.

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They call themselves Jews but they are not Jews at all. The northern kingdom of ancient Israel was totally succumbed by the Canaanite religion. They are Canaanites calling themselves Jews because if they go by their true identity, they would have been suppressed a long time ago. You might remember the canaanites migrated north of ancient Israel leaving behind settlements along their path until they reached Europe. The only Israelites that remained loyal were the Jews from the southern kingdom of Judah. They have survived to the present and are very vocal about the difference between the two groups.

I agree with what you are saying about these fake Jews who are really canaanites.

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May 30Liked by jeffrey p lubina

“To know who controls you, learn who you’re not allowed to talk about”


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ISRAEL is a British crown corporation. The true Is’rael is an organization created by God and that thing calling itself ISRAEL is the abomination standing where it should not be as foretold in the Bible.

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