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We are in the throes of a new beginning. More people are starting to see through the lies - this will ave a profound and dramatic effect on the human psyche. However we must realize this patrix is very tricky - and even those who think they have a free mind are still plagued by mind control. Indeed just using this language is a testament to that. The piece de resistance is that we must be aware of our own static frequency. We are returning to our natural frequency which is based on care (I hasten to use the word "love" as it is fraught with Hollywood debauchery) We have many signs and we can help each other by challenging our beliefs with others and being open to being challenged. We have to literally change ourselves much like a moth changes into a butterfly, there is something going on like that in us right now. We feel the convulsions of it, those of us who are aware of what's going on. Just a reminder that the people in power would have absolutely no say if the majority didn't believe in authority. For it is this belief that is fouling our minds, collectively and individually. The saying "As above, so below" is also another twister. It is actually or probably is actually "as below, so above". What we see on the world stage is a projection of what we are towards each other and our belief systems. This is fundamental to know. When we change ourselves, we will see a different world. It cannot happen by changing the big stage first. I honor your disdain for this cult-ure, I feel the same. I hate everything about it.

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