Dec 25, 2023Liked by jeffrey p lubina

Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year! Dude you must be the fastest reader I know if you've seriously been able to consume all those articles and pieces of content that or your're multiple people. It poses the additional question should we really be spending so much time on the digital sphere or go out and make changes in the real world?

"We MUST Form Our Militias and Begin Making Arrests" the bigger question is why hasn't this happened already? Are you personally making active decisions and changes to your life to achieve this? I recommend you look at early Irish 20th century history if you wish to follow that path and need a road map. Circling back to New World Next Year the blade runners against ULEZ is another recent example but the money is on Khan getting a third term.

Personally, I think modern human psychology prevents such movement enmass even to the necessary golden 30% needed to affect real change. We've already discussed slightly my believes. I think salvation comes from within and to truly make this work it will be all about baby steps rather than one big dramatic change.

Rachel is such a sweetie but a bit of a ZAnon puppet in other areas having worked/still working for RT. The fact that she didn't even last a whole year in Russia I think also says enough.

As a reader and sub of your work I hope I'm allowed to make suggestions to help you improve your channel. I'd appreciate it that you focus more on quality over quantity, precision over volume and realistic outcomes over those bordering on the fanciful. Why not write shorter pieces that collate all the articles you read in to much more tight, digestible, tangible and bite sized arguments than what just seems like a stream of your conscious thoughts?

Please, I do hope you see my feedback as constructive. I appreciate what you're doing and just want to help you make it more targeted and successful. If you really don't like it please do feel free to kick me off, but again surely there should be a discourse amongst our community.

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Yes, of course I appreciate your comments, even if very critical, so long as it doesn’t turn into demands or repeated diatribe. Haven’t had much problem so far, but I will shut down troll-bots playing the “fact-check game or drawing my readers into fights. My simple rules here on my substack and my other online programs for my very diversified customers are no different than customers coming into my dance club, bar or restaurant offering up opinions & suggestions: So long as individuals don’t shit on my other costumers or harass my bartenders and waitresses for not having a full selection or offering too much, we’re cool. It’s what’s supposed to be great about real freedom the wars never provide, but prevent and destroy: Real free peoples (employees or costumers) can either go elsewhere or build their own. I’m very anti-unions and anti-bullies, no matter it’s form, especially in countries people are supported to have the “right of choice, the right to quit and do it their own way.”

All of the answers to your questions can be found in my posts here on my substack, but you’ll need to spend some time going back from the very beginning and read my bio as well. How long have you been reading my substack? Yes, of course I read “EVERYTHING!” And when someone takes the time to correct, criticize or make recommendations, I do my best to bloviate in length between work—then some will complain about that, too. Ugg. The reason I ask how long you’ve been around is because this is the very first time you’ve commented, and judging by your questions you may not have read many of my posts explaining why I began this substack in conjunction to my offline work, which is immense.

And no, other than field reporters I rely on for info, I do all of this work myself, and being heavily invested in chip companies and AI (for the good of humanity—not spying and controlling trans-human bots), so I expect my workload to increase every year until I drop dead.

Yes, I’m a work junky, almost as much as I love digital e-gaming, which is also work more than play. FYI: All I do is research, read, create, invent and write from the moment I wake and oftentimes in my sleep, too. I’m also creating and hope to develop three live programs next year, begin producing an e-game, build a science and media lab, and will begin e-game streaming (mostly for fun) next year as well.

If you’ve noticed, in each cross-posting publication I do write mostly very short commentary to go along with all of those “important” crossposts—all for the history archive I’m building offline, as well as for my economic-war encyclopedia. I’m also working on a sci-fi novel(s). Next year I’ll be doing less crossposts leading up to the election and begin posting some of my offline work as well.

Again, yes, please comment, post links, suggestions and even correct my grammar & spelling. My autism(s), what the education & medical establishments refer to as learning disabilities, makes writing my most challenging work, which is why I felt I MUST.

My entire life I’ve hated the bullies, dictators and authoritarian control-whores, particularly those who claim waring and killing each-other is “always possible,” but not “hippy shit” often referred to a social welfare infrastructures I insist humanity needs to prevent war, no matter the population.

I’m definitely NOT a socialist, but what do you call the bloody fools who will “spend whatever necessary in money and lives to war each-other?” How is killing for security not fascism, whether tilting toward socialism, communism or capitalism? Stupid divisive nationalistic social-political-religious terms.

But I do love the Christmas season. Marry Christmas. Love your name-tag.

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Thank you and from one part of the spectrum to the other you are a machine in some respects. Certainly higher functioning than most people.

I've been following you since you put me on Lifetime around the Summer when I signed up. But you post so much I really only can browse and then go in depth more with the stuff that really catches my eye. I'm a less is more kind of person and that prompted in part my comment.

We have spoken before. You posted comment somewhere and I followed and then we had a nice discussion some where else where you commented something like it being a cross between the thing, the body snatches etcm. Of course I spent ages writing another reply to our discussion only to get distracted, forget, close my SubStack app and then go back to find out it's lost and not posted. It's not a optimum app for finding old conversations or even old posts.

I'm still though curious to some of the questions I posed in my first comment here. Instead of saying go back and read my previous posts could you give me a sort of truncated answer please? Again I feel it's important we discuss these thing to try and really get the ball rolling. I'm pessimistic that enough people will be held accountable. Just look at operation paperclip. History tells us a different story to human behaviour than what we wish the future outcome to be. Maybe it's because I follow Rurik Skywalker and Edward Slavsquat and both their analysis is quite sobering.

Closing point real change has to happen in the real world and online can trap us in a echo chamber.

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NO Leslie. Jesus, for a nurse you are so damn persistent-radical with these deadly terms.

Hear me: While I sometimes use terms like “execution,” it’s only “descriptive,” and only towards those who are currently, actively killing people in the name of justice and security. I play their own words and philosophies back at them—which you know I’m totally against in actual practice. Are you really a retired nurse, and where did you work last—death row in a lethal injection prison? Just curious.

I swear, I’ll never ban you, but I must keep insisting that you NOT allow your rage to show up on my substack actually threatening to KILL anyone, not even the devil itself. Leave it for your own substack, just please temper your hate here in my space. Please. Honestly, I really hate these Zionist butchers, too, but not so much I’m going to become one of them in battle. You almost sound like a “tool asset” driven completely mad, like for Mossad, CIA or FBI, trying to get me to agree with you—to then deplatform me—which I won’t.

Just so we understand each-other: I will NEVER kill for freedom, but that doesn’t mean I won’t drop someone with my shotgun at close range—if threatened with deadly force.

If we “humans” can use all of this tech to kill, then for a fraction of the cost we can build super-max university mental institutions for all the Hannibals out there—stopping them in their tracks via tranquilizer guns and butterfly netting drones. Happy Holidays.

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YOU believe we are all doomed and so therefore belligerently reckless? Being fatalistic will doom those you are in contact with who are still trying to be “realistically” hopeful. I hate blind hope almost as much as fatalistic death seekers. Trust me, I have no delusions about humanity’s ability to escape this nightmare, but there is no way I’m gong to “invite them” to show up with my own people dressed up in riot gear to kill off my entire neighborhood all because of one loose cannon. Tell me you comprehend this reality.

I do sympathize. All I ask is that you publish your “revenge” on your own Substack and respect the fact I’d like to “measure our tone and actions” carefully due to the fact “the tyrants in control have ALL of the power” and have been openly murderous killing anyone they like, even sitting presidents. They do NOT see you as a threat. But all of us combined are still a treat to them, and the only way they can defeat us is to divided us up by getting individuals to say and do stupid shit so they can then turn your own people (crooked local, state and federal police, friends, neighbors…) against you. Now with micro-chipping people’s brains, your best most trusted friends can and will be turned against you, without their understanding or knowledge.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by jeffrey p lubina

So Leslie what are you doing in your life to action the necessary change in your life to create a positive change and wake up? Or do you just sit back and say we're screwed while drinking a pint of Starbucks? It could be as small as a personal choice such as yoga or meditation. I share some of your pessimism but still think there is hope.

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