The International Zionist War-Machine: Genocide 101
666 Monsters of Eugenics: the New World Order and the Bogus Financial Reset (edited 02/25)
Pre-introduction, declaration:
[I’ve decided to use (exclusively) to write and publish several books I’m slowly, carefully producing, plus hundreds of articles. Keep in mind: all of these publications I’m posting are drafts—one segment or chapter at a time. The final drafts going to editors on a later date won’t deviate much from these published works-in-progress, but they will contain important information I’ve left out. So why do it this way? Because it will be a lot of fun sharing my mind with you during the raw production process, I think…I hope. But most importantly, what I’m writing about cannot wait due to current events; the troubling problems concerning our world economy and the never-ending bloody wars humanity has been trapped to as modern slaves of Left and Right Paradigms controlled by the exact same Zionist Monsters—who are not a race or religion, unless slavery & mass murder is a religion. I encourage you to poach my thoughts and ideas, make them your own (like attending an honest science fair or pie competition in which the creators and spectators share, trade and give away their ideas, methods and recipes—post-competition—to evolve greatness). I don’t believe in Secrets, that is, Secret Shadow-Governments, Economics and Science— especially as it pertains to the fraud of Monopolistic-Utility Infrastructures, Currencies, Digital ID’s, War and it’s Criminal-Profiteers. And I most certainly do not believe anyone has a right to own Mother Nature or God; that everyone has a right to their own mind to evolve as Free Individuals, meanwhile, still connected to the world as a whole—all working together for the Love of Democracy, Naturally-Diversified Life and Humanity.]
Introduction: A Search for a better Understating (edited 02/25)
I love my country, but growing up in the United States has always been a bit unsettling and strange for me, and not just because I was a product of government, or still am by compulsory-protocol, or because I moved around more than most of my friends. In school, the hardships were typically and oftentimes troubling, especially when I found myself incapable of ‘doing what I was told to do, or else!’—Such as compulsory Praying, Not Skipping Class, Paying Attention, Following Incomprehensible Directions, Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and my favorite of all times—while I was being as uncooperative as possible—practicing Dunk & Cover under school-desks or lining up in the hallways on my knees in a fetal position with fingers laced behind my head, you know, to save you from flying debris or the building collapsing from tornadoes or radioactive nuclear explosions. I just could not do as I was told. Doing as I was told was more painful than the punishment for not complying, usually. Not cooperating with authority was a must for me, and I was never really sure why. Why didn’t I just do what I was told? They would say, “sit and be still,” and so I would feel the need to fidget or stand in reaction to their threatening orders. It was like my disobedience was automatic, like it was part of my DNA. For whatever the reason, it was just too painful in ways I’ve never fully been able to completely grasp in my own mind or explain to those demanding answers with punishments waiting on standby for providing incorrect answers, answers I am now sure they knew I could not provide. It has always been this way for me; physically painful, from head to toe, to submit to demands of any kind. Today, I get the same physical pain if I can’t complete something I’ve started, even simple things like reading a book, writing a short story or a painting. Anything that has a starting point with a clear beginning and an end or finish line…then getting distracted or prevented from finishing…is, was always very painful for me.
The problems I had with schoolwork in which I was incapable of comprehending and hated more than mid-morning milk breaks, school lunch jello and canned spinach, combined, was a very complex enigma I could never resolve no matter how hard I tried. No matter how much I was lectured, ridiculed or punished to understand, my greatest anticipated, daily achievement was getting dunce-capped, accompanied with a greater disdain and distrust I had for school and all authority. But the monsters of “Academia & Punishment,” which I learned to be the same things, were true believers in their disciplinary programs, like that’s all that mattered to them; seeking out the bad and punishing people. “One way or another,” they’d screech, “You will learn and behave” …or else be subject to their unlimited powers of punishing the bad into obedient goodness. Bloody Hell, I hated school. And in the end, all I learned was that students were supposedly naturally-suspect or bad needing constant oversight and punishment, and that the teachers who controlled the schools were evil dictators (but not all) and completely absent of all human-nature elements; pure fucking monsters, just like the authorities of today demanding the world must fight terror and kill millions of innocent people, wear masks and receive compulsory vaccine-bioweapons.
Later, as the school years seemed to drag on and on with no end in sight, these evolving insecurities—attached to intelligently-created unsolvable problems by shadowy characters far removed (the school boards)—were indescribably-daunting and painful for me, especially for a special-needs child with misdiagnosed learning disabilities. And nothing made things worse for me than the topics of religion, race, politics and math—all coinciding with punishments for stubbornness (my inability to obey and learn the material). Usually, I tried my best to avoided engaging in conversations with all authority figures, unless I had no choice or found it amusing to torment the monsters, I mean teachers. But with punishment waiting in response for failing to answer unsolicited questions with no option to refuse, what do you do? While the other kids went along with the program, I usually found a way to walk the hallways or simply not show up, at all, sheltering myself at home avoiding school, altogether. I did a lot of that—whenever I was able—being elsewhere, anywhere but sitting in class.
I never understood why or how the punishers were always right there leaning over my shoulder, ready and waiting to discovered me physically or mentally absent so they could exercise their right to beat me down for it. They were just like today’s world of monster-dictators, but without today’s evolving technology and advanced security systems to use against the students. Drifting off into my own mind and daydreaming, floating away somewhere, anywhere but school, was typical for me. But not showing up at all became a more frequent solution to avoid the SUK, altogether.
(Much later in the Army the game was called AOL [not exactly AWOL: absent without leave—if caught—but instead: Absent On Location] which was my favorite game invented by Army Intelligence; appearing present, but instead, being elsewhere far off and away from it all, which is a separate story of another book I’m also currently writing.)
As I write this book, I’ll try not to get too lost in the swamp (sea is too pleasant) of emotions as I take you on this strange trip—in an effort to stay on topic—but emotions are at the center of it all, like a tool being used against me for control, but still…
Later, just out of High School, I was still oblivious of what racisms and nationalisms were. Being part of a very diversified family and a wonderful mixture of select friends, I didn’t get it—the hate—nor did I care. I thought most of the hate was meaningless-nonsense by an insignificant few. In my mind, We Americans belonged to an open, loving, accepting melting-pot of diversities, a sentiment I’ve always loved and believed in, because I grew up with it, I was drawn to it; diversity, natural selection and constant, evolving change. I’ve always been put off by individuals insisting I needed to belong to a special club like politics & religion (even though I am, or was, Roman Catholic-detached). Even the clubs in school like art, science, chess and other sports I tried out for and attempted to like was very short-lived, like a few hours, then I was running for the door. Boy Scouts and the US Army were the curious exceptions, at first, I think because they were made up of a mix of very diversified peoples who were allowed to sustain their own personal identities and individualities, in spite of the unified-concepts of these organizations and not-so-obvious racisms, though it did exist—just not in my mind, yet.
By the end of my first active duty Army enlistment and going into my second, I still didn’t quite get racisms or national pride. I just kept telling myself, “It’s just protocol or SOP (standard operating procedures),” not real racism. In fact, there were very deep, hateful racisms imbedded within the Army, which I still believed was normal natural Army culture, not racism. I really believed it was nothing like belonging to a racist-religious cult, for instance. But in reality, however, it was much worse, with military-grade assets. The Army just did a better job pretending the problem didn’t exist. But it did, with strict, punishing rules and laws insisting upon an unnatural-unity along with the unnatural-divisions, just like the compulsory, crazy-patriotic civilian-soldiers trapped under the Israeli flag who will call a dissenting-objecting Israeli soldier a “Self Hating Jew.”
I also used to believe the U.S. southern Confederate flag states, with it’s groups & associations of organized nationalist-racists, were mostly a very small benign segment of southern society, all part of an outdated American Dark Age who feel the need to perpetuate the hate along with national-boarder segregations between races and ancient cultures, then blame their twisted ideas on God or the Founding Fathers, just like Israeli try-hard Zionist-Nationalists do to this day.
In any case, I was still totally ignorant about the topics of Racisms & National-Identity Values for most of my life, primarily because I think I couldn’t believe it was real, at least not a real threat anyone had to be concerned about. I figured whatever hate was real, was not a significant concern to anyone, but rather an unnatural reaction towards the U.S government [or agents of] who were psychologically driving the people into fights with each-other or with the police so they could then justify their over-reactions, even calling up the military to use against mostly peaceful protesters. It’s just like what’s been happening in Canada within it’s Government over these past couple years, where the people’s peaceful protests turned…mildly-piffy to maybe moderately-PIFFY, but definitely not a danger to anyone—unless an agent in the crowd tooled them for effect.
I always believed, or wanted to believe, the people of this beautiful planet were all part of a wonderful mix of rich cultures of the past that had no controlling-relevancy in today’s world, and that’s what I loved the most about my own country. I grew up with incredible stories of people who fled from all over the world to America, the New World, who were forced to fight and war dictators to end the Dark Ages (not continue them) so We the People could live in peace as individuals, unimpeded by old, evil traditions. But a greater understanding soon evolved along with teaching myself how to read; everything.
I didn’t begin thinking about race and national-cultures much until after I entered the U.S. Army, but still, throughout most of my service, I didn’t believe, or didn’t want to believe the old-world divides or divisiveness existed anymore. What I eventually confirmed was instead more like the unreal of the movie Matrix; Hell on Earth cloaked under the auspice or guise of National Security along with the misuse of evolving technology. As time went on, I began to realize something was very wrong in the world, my world, and not just within the Army or America, but everywhere, in the shadows, and worse than Satan itself.
I’ve never believed in spirit worlds much, and though I’ve been open to God, she’s been absent most of my life, and in her place—just pure evil filled the space and dimensions (not a spirit world, like most view God and Heaven). I later learned this evil to be just mentally ill Money Junkies; Eugenicists; the ultra-rich War Profiteers and their Zionist-Political subordinates.
Just before transitioning from active military service to veteran-civilian, the Rodney King beating and other police brutalities started to catch my attention, followed by 911 a few years later, which shocked me to the core; I was now Terrified. It was at this point I began to realize a much deeper darkness; that evil and the devil were only tools used by these psychotic war profiteers to blind the public to conceal the truths of what and why the world was in such disarray and decay. It was only a matter of time and a lot of reading that I finally realized and unraveled the Zionist Protocols and it’s Disciples, and then my perceptions of life and my life goals shifted drastically, forever.
Suddenly after 911, all the peoples of the entire world, not just the American people, were thrown into a fear-centrifuge dividing the whole of people apart into distrusting fractions to be regrouped into compulsory fight clubs. It was senseless and troubling, without logic, without human-nature elements and it was entirely soulless. Enter the beginning of my search for a new, better understanding of Starvation, Poverty and War. This was my new begging; my years of research and studies for answers. This was the start of my new career and life; researching and writing the history of War and Economics, which will take me the rest of my life to complete, and then some. Bloody Hell, I’m tired. But it’s like everything I begin—I cannot stop until finished. The pain of trying to quit is much worse than the pain of my mind that never switches off. Bloody Hell.
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Are you true to democracy and sustaining democratic principles for everyone? Do you Honestly Love your family, country, environment and our planet? Do you really want equality, freedom, choice and self-determination with an infrastructure that supports these ideas? Do you believe you should always have a right to discriminate for yourself, and should never have a right to discriminate against other people’s freedoms and rights? Do you believe all people have a right to an honest election process that places real people in government working for all people? Do you believe in an honest democratic process that allows free people to elect real people whose only purpose is to manage our infrastructure? Do you believe human infrastructure that supports free people can be sustained via honest bidding practices to spend honest fair taxes via honest trade to sustain that infrastructure? Do you understand that the Federal Reserve and Income Tax is a Treasonous Fraud? Do you believe everyone has a right to honest Fair Trade & Gaming taxes? Then work with me, not against me, and support my efforts to fix these problems. If you are already rich and wish to keep what you honestly earned, then please consider giving generously by either a paid subscription to, or you can gift-me any amount without subscribing via PayPal or right here at the top of my page. Please Stop contributing to our dishonest Left vs. Right election gangsters and cartels—who will only destroy our country and world. Every dime you give will only be used to purchase hardware, software and servers to produce and improve: FairTradeBakeGame.TV and
FYI: I just re-posted this edited publication with 2 new additional news links at the bottom and some minor changes within the body of the article. I will probably complete one more edit, then leave it for the professional editors to harass me.