An Important Message to Doctors & Lawyers (Worldwide)
Start Facilitating REAL Change for Humanity By Punishing Criminal Lawyers Trapping the World to the Criminalization of Freedom & Choice driving all the Violence and Wars
3/17-I’ve edited this publication multiple times for super greatness—you’re welcome.
The Path To Ending All Organized Violence and War
I will never understand them—the Criminal Lawyers on Earth, especially those within our governments protecting the Security Briefers of Intelligence Agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA…and those within the CDC, FDA, USDA…and the corrupt media producers sustaining all the lies the people continue to accept as Fact. What the Hell is wrong with the minds of these Criminal Money-Junky Lawyers?
American active duty soldiers and the soldiers of our allies and false-pride enemies: You must wake up and begin to realize you Do have the Power and Legal Right to Conscientiously Object to All Criminal Orders demanding you must turn against your own and the brainwashed-enemies you are ordered to accept as real threats. You must begin rejecting all orders commanding you to wage criminal, offensive-defensive armed conflicts. Your leadership is Not your own, but instead agents of War Bankers trapping you and your minds to the unreal.
We must begin waging the one and only real, true war everyone is told can never take place: Arrest and Mentally Institutionalize Criminal Lawyers, and start Rejecting and Removing All PAC Organizations and their corrupting monies from every facet of our election process. Only then can we expect to elect real humans with true democratic values for Real Change to occur. “Legitimate Congressional and Presidential Laws and Executive Orders” will always allow General Officers of our military the ability to Prevent Armed Conflicts, rather than insisting upon war. Legitimate Laws of Legitimate Peaceful Democracies will always allow Field Officers to Reject crazy General Officers’ orders for Violence and War, and will always allow for intelligent defensive-actions to save lives, protect property, the earth’s environment and our individual sovereignty.
We soldiers, peace officers and veterans have a Human Duty to all peoples of all nations to turn against the diseased-minds of lawyers and their policies protecting the Criminal Central and World Banks and their war-profiteers fueling all the psychological operations driving societies and nations to war, especially those within our governments and media who continue protecting all war investors who feverishly manipulate constitutional law for profit and control over the people and their legal rights to resist. Active soldiers, plus our growing numbers of angry veterans, who believe they are powerless to do anything about it, must be properly informed of their rights. Currently, soldiers are not educated of their constitutional rights. This criminal injustice must change.
Good Constitutional Lawyers, with their human souls still intact, are growing in numbers and have begun to organize, though much too slowly, with doctors and scientists who understand evolving, human-democratic constitutional-solutions, and they have no scruples or fear holding them back to prosecute Criminal Lawyers, which is what MUST happen for real change to take root and grow naturally to sustain real peace, rather than the fake, unnatural appearance of peace by criminalizing Freedom and Choice, imprisonment and murder. Humanity will never be able to save itself by manipulating the truth or imprisoning and killing people expecting to bring about real peace as a result. The real solutions for peace begin with punishing the lawyers who keep insisting upon these illegal, inhumane methods.
For our entire lives, All of us have been intelligently-misinformed and misdirected. The world in suffering a terminal Military-Grade Mental Health Problem that has been forced upon society, manipulating our minds our entire lives, and at it’s epicenter are the Lawyers of corrupt government, such as the CIA, and the mainstream media, not the legitimate reporters in the field who find themselves incarcerated or disappeared for reporting the truths of the day as it unfolds.
Again, the true monsters are the Media, Vaccine and War Investors (usually the same people) and their lawyers who work all day, every day normalizing the abnormal, such as requiring compulsory vaccines to fight against deadly viruses, which in reality is just another intentionally-unexplained, terrorizing False Flag event controlled by our Intelligence Agencies using media. The same goes for other orchestrated Black Ops events like the 911 Terror Attacks and all the Pandemics going back to Monkeypox, Anthrax, HIV, Ebola, Smallpox…and again, covered up by their agent-actors in the crowd and bought editors of mainstream media—all coordinated internationally, for effect, to convince the average citizen to accept these events as real threats we can never escape from, then insisting it’s our duty in the name of national security to get vaccinated and unite to wage war against this Black Ops-orchestrated evil mezzing us. Of course, none of this evil terror is real, in spite of the real terrifying effects of the real explosions and murderous events. All of it, as it’s reported to the populace, is factually-incorrect news; military-grade psychological-driving methods of fear pushing normalizing-narratives that are, in fact, not normal and designed to trap you, indefinitely.
Average Peoples just trying to live their lives in peace must begin to recognize these monsters causing all the problems, then begin to fully realize who really has all the power—You, The Peaceful-People Majority, not the psychologically-driven, false-pride, brainwashed few with guns who are driven to an extreme, making them incapable of refusing criminal, inhumane-orders from their corrupt leadership to kill people in reaction to peaceful demonstrations—You know, to keep the peace.
I’m begging all Doctors and Scientists who still believe in real democracy and legitimate democratic process free of all corrupt blood-monies currently controlling our elections: Please start seeking out good, capable lawyers who can work together and coordinate efforts with other good lawyers willing to sacrifice everything they’ve got and work for free, for the people majority, just as the brainwashed soldiers who give up everything every generation killing each-other, then receive nothing in turn for it, not even freedom.
All the endless talking, and more talking about all the problems and all our worthless Street Demonstrations over the centuries is another psychologically-driven ploy by “agents in the crowd” driving and pushing well intended individuals. But it’s real purpose is not change or peace, but to prevent real change and naturally-occurring peace and to eat up all our time as they, the lawyers of intelligence networks, work on our minds by-way-of the next False Flag distraction...then brainwashed police and soldiers with guns and riot gear hit the street in reaction. It’s an evil trick. Please keep this in mind.
Karen, I love reading you, but I just don’t read you on this one. Terrible Trump IS Responsible, too, and so is APAC-Bought Biden, and you know it.
This article is an edited message I posted earlier this morning on an American doctor’s Substack who’s been working his ass off for humanity—-but he and others like him need help, you bastard lawyers. The reason I started this Substack at the beginning of this year is to begin doing what NOBODY else is doing: inform the people of my country and world, in Plain English, of the REAL vs. uNrEaL; to clearly explain, and sometimes with our enemies own language, what the problems really are, why we have never been able to improve conditions on earth, what the Real Solutions are and how to accomplish them.
Also, most images I post with my publications are borrowed from the internet via the search engine “” And as a reminder to newcomers: all of these publications are rushed-to-post “rough drafts” for one of several books I’m working on all at the same time, so you can expect to find some grammatical and spelling errors—-pardon meah.
STOP Criminalizing Freedom and Choice!
End the Hypocrisy!
End Prohibition!
End the WARS!
Be a conscientious objector!
End the Killing. Bring the Lawyers and Bankers of WAR to JUSTICE!
Upcoming Articles to look forward to:
~ Is The Candidate You Support Competent Or Corrupt To The Core
Important Questions You Should Be Asking Any Candidate Running For Any Office—And If You Don’t, YOU Are Also Your Country’s Worst Problem
~ Gatekeepers 101-666
What is a Gatekeeper? Understanding their Purpose and Methods
~ Soldiers And Veterans Are Professional Lab Rats
Escaping from Slavery
~ Moles & Trolls
What are Moles & Trolls? Understanding their Purpose and Methods
~ FREE Electric Energy // Communications // Clean Water
The Truths mainstream media, corrupt politicians and evil scientists & engineers are keeping from society about their Utility Infrastructures & Cheap Fair Taxes
The following audio books are the most complete, intelligent explanations of the worlds’ problems and solutions I’ve ever read this year, maybe ever.
Oneness vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom (Unabridged) — Vandana Shiva & Kartikey Shiva
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us (Unabridged) — Ed Yong
Are you true to democracy and sustaining democratic principles for everyone? Do you Honestly Love your family, country, environment and our planet? Do you really want equality, freedom, choice and self-determination with an infrastructure that supports these ideas? Do you believe you should always have a right to discriminate for yourself, and should never have a right to discriminate against other people’s freedoms and rights? Do you believe all people have a right to an honest election process that places real people in government working for all people? Do you believe in an honest democratic process that allows free people to elect real people whose only purpose is to manage our infrastructure? Do you believe human infrastructure that supports free people can be sustained via honest bidding practices to spend honest fair taxes via honest trade to sustain that infrastructure? Do you understand that the Federal Reserve and Income Tax is a Treasonous Fraud? Do you believe everyone has a right to honest Fair Trade & Gaming taxes? Then work with me, not against me, and support my efforts to fix these problems. If you are already rich and wish to keep what you honestly earned, then please consider giving generously by either a paid subscription to, or you can gift-me any amount without subscribing via PayPal or right here at the top of my page. Please Stop contributing to our dishonest Left vs. Right election gangsters and cartels—who will only destroy our country and world. Every dime you give will only be used to purchase hardware, software and servers to produce and improve: FairTradeBakeGame.TV and
This publication has just been edited, to include the addition of important cross-posts.